An Evil Appetite

Just the mention of Jeffrey Dahmer's name brings a sickening reaction. He had an evil appetite for his own kind. He killed seventeen young boys and consumed some of their flesh. Claiming an uncontrollable compulsion to kill, he did not try to justify his depravity. He knew that he should be put to death.

A caring Mary Mott sent him Bible lessons in prison. Dahmer studied the Bible intently. Why bother with such a hideous sinner? Being convinced and convicted, he requested baptism. Roy Ratcliff studied with him, became convinced of his sincere penitence, and baptized him in May 1994. In continued study he showed much spiritual growth.

So soon afterward in November he was sent to his reward by another prisoner. What is the reward of Jeffrey Dahmer?

Numerous other writers have drawn a shocking comparison of Dahmer's actions and those of many disciples. These have a seemingly uncontrollable appetite for dominating, judging, rejecting, and consuming others in Christ, their own brothers and sisters! Congregational squabbles over the smallest of issues by dominating persons override love. Those aggressions ride under the banner of love while they wound and tread over fellow disciples. Paul addressed such with "But if you bite and devour one another take heed that you are not consumed by one another" (Gal. 5:15). Unlike Dahmer who confessed his damning deeds, disciples can continue to feel so righteous while they divide. They claim to be defending right while destroying others. They feel little need of grace like Jeffrey did.

Also contrasting Dahmer's case, these are more like Eugene Field's Gingham Dog and Calico Cat (The Duel) who ate each other up! A duel is a contest of partisans. In duels among brothers, like Fields illustrated and Paul warned of, they consume each other!

The unholy appetite which brings division and rejection is a work of the flesh, not a fruit of the Spirit. There is no word from an inspired pen which justifies division.

Who has better prospects in the judgment, a penitent Dahmer or a proud partisan? CH

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